I've been working my way through the primary sources slowly but surely. At this point, I've simply been looking for references to medical receipts, a method some people disagree with. However, I believe that finding references to the use/consumption of mummy will be incredibly time consuming. Therefor, I want to eliminate as much irrelevant text as soon as possible. As such, quick comb throughs. Which aren't quite so quick because handwriting, abysmal in the 16th and 17th centuries. Swoops and flourishes might look pretty at first glance, but by the second or third time they suck hard.
On a different topic, I'm currently in New York City. Undoubtedly one of the most congested and disgusting cities in the country. Pretty sure not all the rain puddles are just water. But five hundred years prior, this city would have been like the promise land to physicians. Dead (or in the process of dying) bodies everywhere. Perfect for mummy or anatomy. I've been watching this show The Knick and what's fascinating is the competition over dead bodies in the early 1900s. In one of the earlier episodes, it depicts the literal bidding wars over these bodies. Hospitals and universities were desperate for these bodies. Earlier though, think five hundred years and go to the 1400s, that competition wouldn't have existed. Instead, people practicing anatomy would have been more likely to simply go grave robbing. It's a little strange to think about the differences within our society, but they definitely existed.
Hope you're having fun in New York!
ReplyDeleteHave you been able to visit any libraries or archives in New York City to obtain more texts and information for your project? Or have the manuscripts and texts you've been reading mainly been digital copies?
My primary sources have all been obtained through an online resource, the Wellcome Trust Library. The majority of their archives are available online to the public.
DeleteWhile I did visit some libraries, it was more on a tourist level, since I didn't have that much time in the city and would be unable to truly examine the documents as this research would require.