Sunday, May 8, 2016

I really like hospital tv shows. Grey's Anatomy, The Knick, Scrubs. Not because of the drama, but because of the medical procedures. Well actually because the characters are funny in Scrubs. It's really interesting to watch the procedures, particularly for The Knick since the setting is the 20th century in New York City. Surgery back then was pretty gory. Lots of blood, not as much hygiene, or really an understanding for the human anatomy. When you watch some of the newer tv shows it demonstrates the progress made within medicine over the past century.

One of the biggest advances made since 1900 is organ transplant, a form of medicinal cannibalism. Super interesting to consider because you wouldn't consider it to be medicinal cannibalism. Just thought that I'd throw it out there. You are physically incorporating someone else's organs and genetic material into your own body. Pretty life changing isn't it?

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